So all may ride

To the editor:

After reading the June 4 article about cutbacks on the bus routes, I’d like to propose a “Friends of the T” organization. Lawrence needs a bus service – and, as the Journal-World article pointed out, now is not the time to be making cuts in public transportation.

We need to advocate a system like the SAME cafe uses in Denver (Journal-World, April 25). SAME stands for “So All May Eat” – what we need is “So All May Ride.” Folks who can afford it could drop in an occasional $5 or $10 in lieu of the usual fare. Public-spirited residents would be compelled to give the T a try, just to make their donations. We could also encourage community organizations to hold benefits for the T.

Also, we must try to increase ridership before we cut routes and/or raise fares. Maybe the mayor could designate “So All May Ride” month, followed by various promotions: “Walk and Ride” for the health-conscious (so much better for you than parking in the farthest parking spot), a Read and Ride promotion for book clubs, Neighborhood Associations Week – the possibilities are endless.

Cutting routes or eliminating Saturday service would harm our downtown merchants, Farmers Market, KU and Haskell students, senior citizens, greens and those with medical conditions that prohibit driving; cutting the service to every 80 minutes would limit its usefulness. Lawrence must come together as a community to preserve the T for the environment and for all residents.

Jan Butin,
