Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World for June 7, 1907: “The fact that Kansas banks have on deposit the equivalent of $100 for every man, woman and child in the state is astounding and encouraging for those who follow the economy. In state banks alone, the deposits now have topped a record $78 million and seem to be growing now at the rate of a million dollars a month. We are told that our state has absolutely no poor people anymore because there is so much support for even the needy. : The Kansas City Star continues to pursue rumors that a well-to-do local man committed suicide rather than suffering death in a fall from his roof. The notion is that since there was a lot of insurance money, as much as $500,000, the man took his own life. There is no evidence of such, insurance firms insist they plan no contests and what it comes down to is rotten journalism to get attention. . . . The report from Wakarusa Township shows the township in excellent financial shape with the treasury brimming. The assessments for the area are outstanding:”