Losing touch

To the editor:

In spring of 2005, I was so relieved to see that a stand of silver maples and oaks upwards of 100 years old on the north-facing hill toward the Campanile survived the microburst. This week, however, I see they failed to survive the blundering, dunderheaded Kansas University sports program and one wealthy, misguided alum. The crater south of the stadium can probably be seen from space, a crater just the size for a football building of indeterminate purposes to celebrate a rather unremarkable team.

At least now I know why all the trucks heaped with sand and fill dirt have been tearing through the neighborhoods of Old West Lawrence for upwards of a month, and why they show no signs of stopping. I know I’ll draw the ire of fans who seasonally need to traipse through our yards and drop their beer cups and hot-dog wrappers and pick our flowers on the way to the game.

I’m clearly losing touch with what’s important in life.

Kelly Barth,
