Money tip

Here are ways to gas up your vehicle without going broke:

¢ Steer clear of roadside stations. On road trips, don’t rely on the gas stations lining the interstate. You can save a bundle by refueling just a few blocks away from the highway. Hint: The better the neighborhood, the more expensive the gas is likely to be.

¢ Hunt for reasonable prices online. Before you set out, compare prices at and Both services depend on volunteer spotters, so listings aren’t always current.

¢ Visit discount retailers. Wal-Mart and Kmart, among others, sell low-cost gas to shoppers, and wholesale outlets Costco and Sam’s Club also offer good deals on gas. The tradeoff? You may have to wait in line at the pumps.

¢ Get a gas rebate card. In many cases, fuel discount cards offer a better rebate in the first 60 days. After this period, your rebate often drops from 10 percent to 5 percent. By getting a card before a long trip, you can make the most of the better rate. Some credit cards, such as Citi Dividend Platinum Select Card, offer 5 percent cash back on all brands of gas.