Real candidate

To the editor:

I wonder if the Democratic National Committee would tell me who a “real” person is. This was their response to Brownback’s candidacy for president: “Brownback places ‘his uncompromising ideology over the needs of real people’ ” (Journal-World, Jan. 21).

We already know that they don’t believe a preborn child is “real.” But Brownback also spoke of “somebody in poverty” and “a child in Darfur” (also Jan. 21). Are those not “real” people? It sounds like the DNC stopped listening before they started talking, or perhaps didn’t listen at all, because they “knew” what Brownback would say.

Secondly, when did an uncompromising ideology become a character deficit? I thought Democrats in the past have been critical of those who “waffle” on the issues.

For whatever other reasons they dislike Brownback, uncompromising ideology, even if it differs from theirs (which I hope is uncompromising in itself), should not be one of them.

Verna Froese,
