Boost your metabolism without pills

It’s an unfortunate truth: As people get older, their metabolism – the process by which the body burns calories from food – can slow down by as much as 25 to 30 percent. Luckily, there are ways to fight back without turning to one of the “miracle” remedies on the market (which, doctors say, generally don’t work anyway and can be unsafe to boot).

¢ Don’t skip breakfast. Without food in the morning, the body shifts into “starvation” mode and tries to save energy by burning fewer calories. It’s best to eat more food early in the day and end with a light dinner.

¢ Eat small amounts, but often. Every time you eat, your body has to burn calories for digestion. Aim for healthy meals or snacks every three to four hours.

¢ Keep moving. Even if you do a hard daily workout, your metabolism will slow down if you spend the rest of the day sitting. As much as possible, take short walks, climb stairs or – if you’re truly chained to a desk – fidget and stretch.

¢ Strength train. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat. At least two or three days a week, add free weights or resistance training to your workouts.

¢ Get your protein. The body has to work harder to digest protein compared to fat or carbohydrates, and proteins also are the building blocks for muscle. Good sources include lean meats, fish, beans, reduced-fat dairy products and (in moderation) nuts.

¢ Get your vitamins. The nutrients in fruits, vegetables and multivitamins protect cell structures that convert food to energy.