Text of Conrad Braun’s phone calls to Kansans

Hello citizens of Kansas, this is Conrad Braun with a political message from the Committee for Fair Trials in America. I was raised and lived over 40 years in Kansas and I am calling now about corruption by newly elected Kansas Attorney General Paul Morrison.

If you don’t want to listen to this message please hang up now. If you want on our Do Not Call list press 9 at any time and we will never call you again about corruption by Kansas Attorney General Elect Paul Morrison. The message is a about 3 minutes and at the end of the message is a two question poll, so if you don’t have time now hang-up and visit our website at fairtrailsinamerica.org that’s fairtrialsinamerica.org

If you would like to hear more please press 4. Press 4 now.

First, let me say that what I am calling about it not a Republican or Democrat issue. It is an issue of unchecked corruption in public office. It started in Leawood, Kansas and that is why I am calling you now. Fifteen years ago, unknown to me, the City of Leawood Police Department used my 9-year-old son in a failed sting. This evidence was concealed at trial by the Johnson County District Attorney’s Office to secure a wrongful conviction and to deny access to my sons. I wound up doing more that 2 years in Kansas prisons on what was supposed to be a 90-day sentence. While in Kansas prisons my business collapsed and I was indicted in on federal charges. I make no excuse for my federal conviction. I did what I thought was best at the time but it was a crime.

However, while in federal custody Johnson County District Attorney Paul Morrison and the City of Leawood Police Department entered into a perjury conspiracy in federal court testifying that I am the most dangerous man in Kansas for the purpose to deny me bond and went on to deliberately conceal the same evidence again in order sharply enhance my federal sentence based a criminal history they knew was false.

In the end, I did over two years in Kansas’s prisons, much of in dangerous maximum-security prisons, and another 9 years in federal prisons. I now live in San Diego with my sons and grandchildren, but I simply cannot and will not remain silent about what happened to me until those responsible are held accountable. This is not an isolated incident but a pattern of unlawful public policy originating from Paul Morrison.

I have deliberately remained silent until after the election. But now that Paul Morrison is about to become the chief law enforcement officer in the State of Kansas it is my duty to speak out. Unless Paul Morrison resigns from all present and future public office I will take this telephone message to the rest of Kansas and to the Nation.

Under the unlawful public policy of Paul Morrison and Johnson County Judge John Anderson this statement meets all the elements of Johnson County blackmail. Let me repeat it again, unless Paul Morrison resigns from all present and future public office I will take this telephone message to the rest of Kansas and to the Nation.

Only in Johnson County and only under the abuse of power by Paul Morrison and Judge Anderson is such a statement a crime. Under such a standard Cindy Sheehan committed blackmail by threatening to camp out in Crawford until President Bush pulls out of Iraq.

We may not agree with Cindy Sheehan, but I think we are all united in her right to do what she does.

Please visit our website at fairtrialsinamerica.org that’s fairtrialsinameria.org. It should be noted that every page of this website has been downloaded by the Department of Justice and the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.

If what I am saying is true then Paul Morrison has no business in public office. If what I am saying is false, then Paul Morrison needs to hold me accountable in civil court rather than abuse our criminal justice system for his personal agenda.

If you think I am a nut case, you are probably right. After all I am a known convicted felon currently on probation for Johnson County blackmail going one-on-one against the newly elected top lawman in Kansas. But if what I am saying is true join me to keep this corrupt public official from higher office.

Finally, we are doing a quick poll. If you believe Kansas Attorney General Elect Paul Morrison should proceed to higher office if he entered a perjury conspiracy in federal court please press one. If you think he should be stopped from higher office if he entered a perjury conspiracy please press two.

If you think I should be held accountable in civil court if what I am saying is false please press one. If you think I should be not be held accountable if what I am saying is false please press two.

Thank you for participation in our poll.