Still stubborn

To the editor:

I knew I had a problem but it took Scott McDaniel’s letter in the Feb. 10 Journal-World to find out what it was. I am a stubborn, ignorant old man. I don’t share his passion for roundabouts. The one just east of Massachusetts on 19th Street is a real help to westbound traffic. It probably saves two or three minutes to get you to the stoplight at Massachusetts, Kentucky, Tennessee or Louisiana streets.

Maybe we should just replace all the stoplights and stop signs with roundabouts; that way traffic would never have to stop. That would take care of the people who run red lights. If we spend all our money on roundabouts, streets would deteriorate so badly that people would have to slow down so that would take care of the speeders.

There are probably other benefits, too, but when you are old, obnoxious and uninformed you just can’t think of them all. Thankfully, even our mayor, who is not a stubborn, ignorant, old man, even expressed some doubts about the wisdom of any more of them for a while. I would be willing to bet there might be one or two more people in town of the same opinion.

Carl Guggisberg,
