God’s law

To the editor:

Concerning Senate Bill 163 and Scott Rothschild’s article of Jan. 7, “Panel considers sexual-orientation discrimination ban,” and Forrest Swall’s letter to the editor, “Denying reality,” on Jan. 9 in the Journal-World:

¢ God’s laws supersede man’s laws, so the court’s decision defining the immutability of our sexual preference as mentioned by Thomas Witt of the Kansas Equality Coalition has no merit.

¢ Also, there is undeniable evidence to support the truth that gays can change their sexual behavior. See Desert Stream (www.desertstream.org), Exodus International (www.exodus-international.org) and I Corinthians 6:9-10 for current and past examples of those who did change. In all instances, faith in Jesus Christ provides the power to change.

¢ Justice and fairness is determined by God (not by Swall et al.) as revealed in his word. It condemns homosexuality (not the person) and other forms of sexual perversion. However, the person who chooses to not believe in Jesus is already condemned (see John 3:18) although it is God’s desire that no one should perish (John 3:16 and II Peter 3:9).

¢ What other item in the list for the proposed law deals with a “sin issue,” except the recommended addition of sexual orientation? To discriminate means to single out a particular group for special favor or disfavor. It would be a disfavor to acknowledge sin as right in any law.

Carl Burkhead,
