On the money

Understanding the terminology is often half the battle when dealing with your income tax return. The array of tax-related words can cause a person’s head to spin. But fear not. Several Web sites provide glossaries that breakdown the jargon at tax return time.

Here are just a few places on the Internet you can go to sort out tax terms:

¢ Bankrate.com (www.bankrate.com/brm/itax/edit/definitions/definitions_taxes 1.asp)provides tax definitions designed to help filers become more fluent with tax terms.

¢ FindLaw (public.findlaw.com/taxes/tax-basics/le10_ iglossary.html)features list of common tax words and terms.

¢ Internal Revenue Service (www.irs.gov/app/understandingTaxes/jsp/tools_glossary.jsp) offers A-to-Z tax definitions from the nation’s tax collector.

¢ Investor Words (www.investorwords.com/tax.htm) has an extensive list of tax-related terms with brief descriptions.

¢ TaxGaga.com (www.taxgaga.com/pages/c-taxresources/dir-glossary.html) contains straightforward tax definitions in familiar form.