Residents clean debris from stinking homes

? Deadly floods receded from much of the Indonesian capital Wednesday, leaving stinking debris blocking streets and a daunting cleanup for residents, many angry at the country’s leaders following the latest in a string of disasters.

“Every year the government promises there will be no more floods, but just look around you,” said Endang Trisilowati as her children hauled sacks of black mud out of her house in downtown Jakarta. “I have to buy a new sofa, new beds, everything. It is a disgrace.”

Officials said the floods had receded completely in more than half the affected areas. But elsewhere, filthy waters were still six feet deep, shutting factories, shops and schools and cutting off electricity.

Fresh rains reflooded low-lying areas in parts of Jakarta on Thursday morning, but major rivers did not overflow.

Rival government agencies gave the number of homeless as between 240,000 and 420,000, but said that with about 40 percent of the city still inundated accurate figures were hard to compile.