Just a mistake

To the editor:

Did you hear the Boston mayor thought a sign was a bomb? Now he is threatening a lawsuit against Time-Warner.

It was a misunderstanding. It was not a hoax; a hoax is when someone tries to fool you. The Cartoon Network was advertising with electronic versions of fliers.

Has the mayor never seen a circuit board? He should get used to them; it’s 2007. I mean, if it were attached to something that looked like a bomb, I would understand. If someone sees a computer motherboard at the side of the road, should they call the bomb squad?

It was a misunderstanding by his police force. If this really was a bomb, I’m sure glad it only took them three weeks to find and an entire day to figure out.

That’s the worst news about this: We’re not prepared. If it really looked like a bomb, wouldn’t one of the other 60 very visible signs have been called in. I mean, come on, a blinking cartoon. I’m sure that’s how al-Qaida is gonna do it. A big blinking sign.

Mark Lee,
