Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World for Dec. 14, 1907: “More than 1,500 teachers, many from Lawrence, will attend the 45th annual state convention Dec. 25, 26 and 27 in Topeka. Topeka is making elaborate preparations for the event. : Adolphus Busch, the brewer, says prohibition in the new state of Oklahoma will cost him more than a million dollars. : Many are surprised at President Roosevelt’s declaration he will not accept nomination to take a third term in office and there is great maneuvering of other potential candidates. Roosevelt says his decision is ‘absolutely final.’ : Norman Rose of the United Press has been chosen to accompany the U.S. fleet to the Pacific. He will make regular reports to America and many are eager to see how this arrangement works out. : Few outside the Kansas Grange, which met here recently, realize how important and successful its insurance program is. Farmers know of it and are quick to praise the way it is operated.”