Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World for Dec. 13, 1907: “Recent government warnings as to the exhaustion of the forests of the country cause little concern in Oregon, which has 300 million feet of standing timber, more than any other state in the union. Oregon estimates that its supply alone will last for more than 150 years. Oregon says the warnings are overly cautious. : Russian authorities are preparing for a great revolutionary demonstration tomorrow, the czar’s birthday, which it is feared may culminate in one of the bloodiest outbreaks in Russian history. Large quantities of arms and explosives have been discovered and confiscated but the revolutionists openly declare they have plenty more. Bloodshed, death and violence have been common of late and are likely to continue. : President Roosevelt has dispelled all doubt by declaring he will not be a candidate for president this year. He is leaving the field open to all others and says he will not change his mind even in the face of a draft.”