Kids buy gifts at shop just for them

Ten dollars went a long way for 9-year-old Raemona Spicer on Saturday.

She was able to buy gifts for her family and even her pet birds and cats at the Lawrence Arts Center’s 14th annual Children’s Holiday Shop.

“I didn’t have a gift list at first, then when I saw the whole room I started thinking, ‘Oh my goodness, there’s a lot of stuff I can spend money on,'” she said.

The charitable event provides children an assortment of gifts under $5.

The gifts were purchased throughout the year by a holiday shop committee.

Capitol Federal Savings also donates money to give children Holiday Shop Dollars that are distributed through Lawrence public schools and social service agencies such as the Boys and Girls Club and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

The arts center was bustling with children ages 3 to 12 as they perused tables of items, crossed off their shopping lists and wrapped their presents all with the help of volunteer elves. Parents weren’t allowed to peek.

Marjorie Watson was in line for more than two hours just to send her five children off to shop, but it was worth it, she said. The Lawrence mother waits all year for the chance to see her children, ages 4 to 12, shop independently and surprise each other for Christmas.

Watson said the holidays can be hard on her family financially.

“It’s really awesome that Lawrence can provide help and lift the holiday spirit,” she said.

Noelle Uhler, development director for the Lawrence Arts Center, said about 500 children participated in the shopping frenzy Saturday and about 250 visited Friday when it was open only to center members.

Peter Afful, 10, was one of Saturday’s 500 kids and was just excited to give something to his parents.

“I bet they can’t wait until Christmas,” he said.