Old Home Town – 25 years ago

A campaign for funds to help Lawrence’s needy and elderly pay winter heating bills drew immediate and positive response. Within hours after the Warm Hearts campaign began, more than $1,000 in pledges and contributions had been received toward the goal of $25,000. State Rep. Jessie Branson and the Rev. Al Bramble were the instigators of what was to become an annual project.

The city commission decided to keep confidential a city attorney’s opinion on whether “lifeline” natural gas rates could be legally implemented in Lawrence. Commissioners said they would like to speak in private with the attorney on the matter and would not reveal early thinking on the issue.

With U.S. Sen. Gary Hart, an Ottawa native, due to speak at Kansas University, there was speculation on whether he would be a 1984 Democratic presidential candidate. He had been quiet on the issue, but talk persisted that he might make a bid for the Oval Office.