Lawrence resident wins in Brands for Grands

Bill Helton, Lawrence, won the maximum $2,500 prize this week in Hy-Vee’s Brands for Grands contest.

John Olson, store director for the Hy-Vee at 3504 Clinton Parkway, said Helton’s name was drawn from a box of registrations taken at the Lawrence store. Olson then dropped by Helton’s house Tuesday, carrying celebratory balloons and roses.

The contest allows Olson to pay a winner $100 for each Hy-Vee branded product that can be quickly located, up to a cap of $2,500 for 25 items.

Helton, who would celebrate his birthday the next day, made it with room to spare.

“He had like 40 or 50,” said Olson, of products ranging from cheese to vitamins. “You have to find them in all 10 minutes, and that was easy enough.”

Hy-Vee, with 230 stores in seven states, runs the contest promotion for 10 weeks, with individual winners chosen each week in each of 10 stores.