Castro predicts victory for Clinton-Obama ticket

? Viva Hillary! Viva Barack!

That’s apparently the feeling of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who predicted in a newspaper column Tuesday that a one-two punch of that duo, led by the New York senator, would easily land in the White House.

“Today, talk is about the seemingly invincible ticket that might be created with Hillary for President and Obama for vice president,” Castro wrote in a piece about U.S. presidents in the Communist Party paper, Granma.

While Castro seems to think the two would make a powerful combo, he wasn’t all love and kisses for the Democratic front-runners, who have demanded greater democratic reforms in Cuba.

“Both of them feel the sacred duty of demanding ‘a democratic government in Cuba,'” Castro wrote. “They are not making politics: They are playing a game of cards on a Sunday afternoon.”

The dictator’s remarks came at the end of a screed basically mocking the efforts of nine U.S. presidents who failed to topple him.