Kansas artists focus of journal article

Paintings by several contemporary Kansas prairie artists are the subject of an essay by retired Kansas University English professor Elizabeth Schultz titled “The Art of Open Spaces, Contemporary Sea and Prairiescapes.”

The article was published in the Winter 2007 issue of the Great Plains Quarterly in conjunction with the Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

The six artists featured in the article are Robert Sudlow, Louis Copt, Keith Jacobshagen, Lisa Grossman, Terry Evans and Larry Schwarm.

Schultz states, “Not only does the work of these Kansas-connected artists present the prairies as being aesthetically intriguing and inspiring – very like the sea – but it also directly challenges continuing perceptions of Kansas’ open spaces as flat, drab and empty … the work of these artists creates an ethic of caring about the prairie environment, about its loss and the need for its conservation.”