Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World for Aug. 25, 1907: “A large court crowd gathered today to see how three men charged with failure to pay their $3 poll tax fared. One pleaded guilty, one was convicted and one went free and it was a busy session where at one time the judge threatened contempt of court action. C.H. Pringle called the ruling against him ‘rank and rotten’ and there were some heated moments. : The popular Sigel Picnic was attended by several thousand and there were three important speakers, W.R. Stubbs, Grant Hornaday and Congressman Scott. There was a display of farm products but not as big a one as last year’s. : There are reports of green bugs in the alfalfa in Franklin County and farmers again are trying to decide how to eliminate the threat that factored so heavily in Kansas wheat this year.”