Get a handle on your stress

Turns out, life’s little stresses can be more harmful to your health than residual stresses such as death or divorce. So says Dr. Claire Michaels Wheeler, author of “10 Simple Solutions to Stress: How to Tame Tension & Start Enjoying Your Life” (New Harbinger Publications, $13).

But not to worry. We have culled some of Dr. W’s tips.

  1. PICTURE THIS: A stressful situation such as moving to a new town or going to a party where you won’t know a soul. Then visualize yourself making good decisions and staying calm.
  2. DON’T JUST MULL: Work out a plan. Take pen to paper and brainstorm steps for dealing with a problem. Make them fanciful; make them totally unrealistic, if you’d like. You’ll see how much or how little control you have over a situation.
  3. YAP, YAP, YAP: Talk to someone you trust. You may identify resources to help deal with your issues. Plus, you’ll avert loneliness by feeling more connected.
  4. TAKE IT TO THE SOURCE: Instead of biting off the head of everyone around you, communicate directly to the person with whom you are upset.
  5. BECOME A SPIRITUAL BEING: Looking at the bigger picture helps you see problems as being smaller and more manageable.