Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World for April 30, 1907: “The most elaborate fraternity banquet ever given in Lawrence was that of the Sigma Nu fraternity last Saturday night at the Eldridge. Those in attendance said they had never seen a party of this scope and magnitude and many continued to sing its praises today. : One man is missing and 20 houses were destroyed by a cloudburst near Oklahoma City last night. There has been serious flooding and the unusual cold weather has caused major problems for those trying to help others. : The matter of a possible union between the Baptist and Christian churches of this city has been found impracticable. The effort has been dropped. One problem was that the Christian Church demanded that the word ‘Baptist” be taken out of the formal name. That alone assured defeat of any merger effort. : Meanwhile, the Christian Church here has extended its highly successful revival at the local tabernacle. Thirty-three new converts came in yesterday and the total now is in excess of 300 for the revival effort.”