Climate danger

To the editor:

Of all the challenges human activity has brought about, nothing compares in magnitude to climate changes now emerging. In light of this crisis, we need leaders with the courage and vision to do what’s best for their entire community, state, country and planet. We have the responsibility of demanding our representatives in Washington, Topeka and Lawrence do everything possible to awaken their fellow legislators or commissioners, corporate supporters and constituents to the fact human activity, especially that of Americans, is destroying our planet’s ability to sustain life. “Necessity is the mother of invention,” and we have a necessity beyond anything ever encountered – including world wars, global economic depressions and worldwide plagues – to cooperatively invent solutions to global warming that work immediately and effectively, while we individually make lifestyle changes that drastically diminish our environmental footprint.

A disturbing number of Americans still live in denial of irrefutable facts regarding the mounting impact of carbon build-up on climate. They do so because of economic costs, religious beliefs, overwhelming fear or some other paralyzed mindset. We have to push on without them. Millions of us – in fact, billions of humans and countless other life forms – are dependent upon every leader at every level doing whatever is necessary to put short-term gains and self-serving objectives aside and face this unfolding cataclysm without flinching or being swayed by special interests. “Time is of the essence.” This well-worn call to action never sounded a more clear and present warning of imminent danger than it does now.

Sandra Sanders, Lawrence