Murder rewarded

To the editor:

I was disappointed to see NBC and other television stations show the video of the Virginia Tech murderer.

As a former journalist, it seems obvious that there are several ethical concerns in doing so. When a deranged individual sends video to a media outlet, his or her obvious intention is for it to make mainstream news. By posting this video, these stations have allowed the murderer to accomplish his or her goal. We are rewarding him for what he did, allowing him to have his way!

Needless to say, other deranged individuals with similar intentions may look at this example as a success, further encouraging them in their efforts.

Instead of taking a step back and asking what was the right thing to do, the stations viewed this as solely a news opportunity.

Perhaps the scariest part will be when we find out whether or not they even considered the ramifications of their decision.

Stephenson J. Beck, Lawrence