Back to basics

To the editor:

Of course, there is a desire for an ice rink in Lawrence. It would be nice, but maybe that should be left to a private concern to build and run. What? No private investors would do that because they would not make any money? There is the rub. A skate rink would be eternally subsidized by the city – by the taxpayers – just like a city-owned Farmland business park would be.

Maybe the regime in City Hall will get down to the real business at hand, which is bringing the city assets already in existence up to the level of repair they should be. They have done well by expanding fire/EMT services to meet growth. If they are going to raise our taxes still more, maybe they should use the funds on the basics by fixing the things that get used the most, like roads and schools. Or they could just make it a really, really big ice skating rink and put it on the Farmland property.

Chip Cook, Lawrence