Be proactive to keep rodents out of your house

You love coming into a cozy house in winter. So do rats and mice.

Well, winter may be over according to the calendar, but recent temperatures could fool anyone – man or beast.

Rodents try to get into homes when the weather is cold and their natural food sources disappear. To keep them out, here are recommendations from the pest-control company Terminix:

¢ Piles of firewood and other debris provide shelter for rodents. Move the piles away from the foundation of your house.

¢ Seal holes or cracks in your home’s exterior. Some rodents can squeeze through openings smaller than a quarter inch. If your finger can fit into the opening, seal it.

¢ Make sure attic and foundation vents are covered with tight-fitting hardware cloth. Don’t use regular window screening because the animals can chew through it easily.

¢ Install tight-fitting weatherstripping on the bottom of all doors.

¢ Trim tree branches away from the house. Rodents can scale rough surfaces such as trees to get to your roof and the exterior vents and openings that are there.

Source: McClatchy-Tribune News Services