Morrison to speak after film screening

Kansas Attorney General Paul Morrison will be among the panelists Thursday night in a discussion on the Kansas University campus about the issue of wrongful criminal convictions.

Morrison and several others will speak after a 5:30 p.m. screening of the documentary film “After Innocence.”

The film spotlights the work of the Innocence Project, a group working to exonerate wrongfully convicted people through DNA testing.

The event is in Room 104 of Green Hall and is sponsored by the KU School of Law’s Student Bar Association.

Other panelists are David Everson, president of the Midwest Innocence Project; Robert Fairchild, Douglas County District Court chief judge and KU law professor; Jean Phillips, director of the Paul E. Wilson Defender Project and KU law professor; and David J. Gottlieb, KU law professor and criminal law expert.

The event is free and open to the public.

Attorneys may earn three professional-development credits by attending the event and paying a $25 fee.

Attorneys who plan to attend the event for credit should e-mail the Student Bar Association at