Education support

To the editor:

Has no one in the Kansas Legislature the courage to tell the voters that university buildings across the state are crumbling and in serious need of repair? And that, furthermore, it is necessary to raise state taxes a little to come up with the money to keep our universities safe to use and in good repair? Must we wait until someone is injured or buildings become unusable?

The suggestion of some members of the Legislature that the counties in which the universities are located could raise taxes to cover part of the cost I find particularly inappropriate. These are state universities, not county universities. If the counties in which the universities are located are to bear more than their share of the burden, then perhaps students from out of county should pay higher tuition fees. In-state fees would become in-county fees and out-of-county students would pay more, say half of the difference between in-county and out-of state fees.

Kansas has a long history of supporting education for its citizens.

Have we lost interest in this worthy goal?

Ann Marshall-Levine,
