‘Unattached women’ may be key to election

? First came the soccer moms, with their SUVs and school-age children, and then the security moms, concerned about terrorism. Now there is a new group of women that campaigners say politicians should reach out to: the single, divorced and widowed.

Unmarried women account for 47 million people, or 24 percent of the electorate. But according to research by Women’s Voices, Women’s Vote, many fail to turn up at the polls, citing a lack of information about the issues. In 2004, 20 million of this group – branded “women on their own” – did not vote, a higher proportion than their married counterparts.

Women’s Voices, Women’s Vote has launched a campaign aiming to mobilize single women on behalf of Democratic candidates for the Nov. 7 elections.

“This group of voters represents a huge untapped resource,” said Page Gardner, founder and president of the organization.