Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World for Sept. 25, 1906: “Next week is the second edition of Old Home Week in Lawrence and the committee in charge says it will be a program to entertain all residents and visitors in ‘the grandest style.’ : Fairview Methodist Church had a very interesting meeting, for bona fide old settlers of the area who belong to that church. It was quite an affair. : About 50 residents of the Lawrence area are now U.S. citizens after a ceremony by Judge Smart. A number have been here for years but had neglected to take out their final papers. We welcome all these ‘local foreigners’ to American citizenship and many of them have long contributed to the local welfare. : The health department announces a new case of diphtheria, the 36th recorded this year. Of that number, so far only four cases have been fatal. Officials say this is not an ‘epidemic’ so far.”