Wall Street church ringing bells like Brits

? Wall Street heard the sound of 12 bells on Saturday – announcing God, not money.

The landmark Trinity Church at the top of the street rang $1 million worth of new chimes, pealing for 3 1/2 hours according to a mathematical formula dating to the 17th century.

“Iconic sonic booms echoing through the corridors of commerce” is how Trinity’s rector, the Rev. James Cooper, describes the “change-ringing” bells – the only 12-bell set in the United States – which were installed five years after the terrorist attack on the nearby World Trade Center. The historic church, with Alexander Hamilton buried in its graveyard, was closed for two months after the attacks.

“I am delighted to continue the tradition begun in the 18th century when the British introduced change bell ringing to the Colonies,” said Martin “Dill” Faulkes, a British high-tech entrepreneur who financed the project.

Starting at 1 p.m. Saturday, a “band” of British ringers pulled the sallies at the Episcopal church for a full peal of at least 5,000 “changes” – each a mathematically calculated sound sequence for all dozen bells, instead of a particular melody. The rich cascade of sound was to be heard again this morning.