Old Home Town – 25 years ago

The City Commission was being asked to authorize three local leaders to participate in a $35 million mortgage revenue bond surplus issue from Leavenworth County. The goal was to use funds at lower interest rates to boost building and buying of residential property.

The number of unemployed Douglas County residents dropped by 200 from July to August but unexpectedly increased by 100 in September. Thus the local jobless rate was 3.9 percent by Oct. 1, while the state figure was about 4.5, both far below the national average of 5.6 percent.

Prodded by figures showing a dramatic increase in case loads, the Kansas Supreme Court, the state judicial administrator, local judges and court clerks all agreed – Douglas County needed another district court judge. Whether the county met that need depended on what happened in the upcoming state legislative session. However, local legislators were dwelling hard on the topic and approval seemed likely.