It’s time!

President Bush can better use his office and his power to get vital things accomplished in the interest of America.

Democrats say or do something and Republicans immediately respond that their critics are totally wrong. GOP spokesmen come forth with claims or proposals and the Democrats instantly go into a highly partisan and ugly defensive mode.

So nothing gets done and the concept of statesmanship and productive compromise is left wallowing in misery on the cutting room floor.

It’s time for President Bush to alter his perception of stubbornness and inflexibility and exert big-time leadership. The nation deserves this and needs it badly.

Bush should call in all the leaders in the two major parties along with other notables with experience in national and international affairs and lay everything on the table. He should declare he is expecting every one of them to come up with suggestions and plans on how to deal with the many problems America faces, especially the Iraq war, Iran, North Korea and terrorism, and get them to the Oval Office forthwith.

Then the meetings should continue with the president leading the charge until we get away from political circuses and accomplish some important things.

Instead of nickel-and-diming about this issue or that and trying to respond to all the barking dogs along his delivery route, President Bush needs to set a positive tone, show he realizes how serious things are and make it clear he intends to pull in everybody to make things better.

For all his alleged awareness of the power of his office, Bush so far has not indicated he has any desire to flex his muscles or even realize just what a potent pulpit he occupies and how much good can be done when the person in that pulpit leads rather than reacts. Enough of using the office to respond to critics and conduct business as usual. Let’s have some truly notable guidance and inspiration. There could well be answers being overlooked to solve problems of vast importance. Why allow them to go to waste?

The White House and its denizens do not have any patent on what is best for America and how to get there. There are many, many good people with much to offer and the door should be thrown open so they can do so.

President Bush, starting right now, could give his troubled fellow citizens a great boost in morale by getting candid, pointing out the many successes this country has enjoyed as well as admitting he has made mistakes and does not have any miracles up his sleeve. Then he could acknowledge he needs all the help he can get and call in everyone of merit who can produce key changes.

The time has come for everyone to stop looking for reasons to brand anything “they” do as wrong and foolish and to think in terms of statesmanship, national unity and what is best for “us.” President Bush has the power and the resources to get things moving in that direction and he should not delay such a venture any longer.