MU shelves plan to put condoms in dorms

University would have been first in Big 12 Conference with such initiative

? A plan to offer free condoms in University of Missouri-Columbia residence halls has been shelved by Chancellor Brady Deaton.

In a written statement issued Tuesday, a university spokeswoman said the initiative “became public before it could be appropriately reviewed and discussed by university leadership.”

The plan reportedly would have made the University of Missouri-Columbia the first in the Big 12 Conference to distribute free condoms in residential hall bathrooms.

The Columbia Missourian reported Wednesday that as recently as last week, campus officials were exploring the types of containers to put in dormitory bathrooms to hold condoms for distribution among residents.

An organizer said arrangements were being made with the local health department to provide 50,000 condoms.

Free condoms continue to be available at several campus locations, including the student health center.

The initiative was first proposed by the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity and had the support of residential life leaders and campus health professionals, the Missourian reported.

A student leader of the effort said he plans to circulate a petition to demonstrate student support for condom distribution in residence halls.

“We included information on abstinence,” said Christopher Keller, president of the fraternity. “We didn’t say, ‘Hey, let’s just throw some condoms around.'”