Parents protest yearbook content

? Parents upset about the presentation of an unwed teen mother in the Derby High School yearbook plan to take their objections to the school board tonight.

Sheri Hills, one of the parents organizing opposition to the 2006 yearbook, said parents did not approve of a two-page spread in the yearbook with photos headlined “Teen pregnancy, a day in the life.” The pages feature a one-day diary from a junior who had a child in October 2005.

“It presents an unwed mother in her teens but doesn’t provide the statistics that an unwed mother in her teens has a 77 percent chance of being on welfare,” Hills said.

She also said that the yearbook “presents students who have gotten tattoos behind their parents’ backs, but doesn’t show that tattoos are a major cause of Hepatitis C.”

Courtney Unruh, student editor of the yearbook, said she thought the publication reflected what was going on in her school. She said she didn’t think teenage pregnancy should be hidden from the public.

“We decided to cover it because a lot of people were affected by it in our school,” she said.

Unruh said the pages on tattoos and piercings reflect high school life.

“A lot of people do get them,” she said.

Along with Hills, Karen Runyon has organized a petition to protest parts of the yearbook. They plan to present a letter of objection and the petition at the board meeting. Five other parents have signed up to speak about the issue.