Scouting news

The Lawrence Hidden Valley Committee will have its annual meeting at 7 p.m. Monday at First Presbyterian Church, 2415 Clinton Parkway. The meeting will be in conjunction with the Douglas County Girl Scouts Service Unit meeting.

The committee will elect new board members. The nominees for three-year terms are Deborah Burns, Judy Inverarity, Kim Murphree and Judy Wilson. The nominee to fulfill a two-year term is Lynne Bodle and the nominee to fulfill a one-year term is Sadie Callan.

The committee also will vote on proposed revisions to the bylaws. The proposal is posted at the work base (United Way Building, 2518 Ridge Court) and will be available at the meeting. All adult Girl Scouts registered in Douglas County are members of the committee and are encouraged to attend the meeting.

The Friends Of Hidden Valley Annual Meeting was conducted Sept. 23 in conjunction with the 50th birthday celebration of Hidden Valley Camp.

Bob Russell received the Volunteer of the Year Award from Karen Warner, president of the friends board. Russell was instrumental in developing the vernal pond for Hidden Valley Camp.

Jan McElwain, Robin Robertson and Cindy Riling were elected as new board members.

New officers were elected at the Oct. 19 meeting: Durand Reiber, president; Flora Wyatt, vice president; Robin Robertson, secretary; and Cris Bandle, treasurer.

Other members of the board of directors are David Reber, Bob Russell, Margaret Townsend, Jill Giele, Karen Warner, Ellyn Owen and Lorene Mosser, who represents Presbyterian Manor residents. Presbyterian Manor is Hidden Valley Camp’s nearest neighbor.

Cub Scout Pack 3052 conducted a family campout Oct. 20 at Hidden Valley Girl Scout Camp in Lawrence. During the campout, the scouts earned their Map and Compass belt loops. They also fixed s’mores over the campfire that evening. The pack broke camp and went home Saturday morning.