Zoning request for storage facilities falters

A request to amend a zoning regulation that would clear the way for mini-storage facilities in “general business districts” of the county failed to strike a winning note Monday with Douglas County commissioners.

Commissioners had been asked to forward the request to the Lawrence Douglas County Planning Commission for study. The request, which had been made by Lawrence architect Stan Hernley on behalf of Bob Voth, was rejected. Voth wants to be able to put a mini-storage facility on six acres of property near the junction of Clinton Parkway and the South Lawrence Trafficway.

Voth and Hernley currently have a request before the Planning Commission for a rezoning of the six acres from its current label of agricultural land to a B-2 general business district. If approved, Voth will have to go back to county commissioners and seek a conditional use permit that would allow the storage facility.

Voth is seeing enclosed storage units that could be used to store vehicles, boats, trailers, furniture and other household goods.