Tulsa does well in airport comparison

? Tulsa International Airport offers fewer incentives to airlines than regional competitors but also has lower fares than most other airports, a recently released study shows.

Tulsa Airports Improvement Trustees has accepted the advisory study on air service that found that Tulsa is losing very few customers to surrounding airports.

Airports in the Midwest and Southwest are offering major cash incentives to airlines for expanded or new airline service, Hazel said.

Oklahoma City’s Will Rogers World Airport awards $200,000 to an airline offering new nonstop service to the East and West coasts, Hazel said.

Kansas City gives new carriers $50,000 and waives landing fees, Hazel said.

“Tulsa is offering much less – $10,000 – than your competitors,” Hazel said.

Overall, however, Tulsa’s fares are lower than most in the region, he said.