Old Home Town – 100 years ago

From the Lawrence Daily World for May 2, 1906: “The presence of something like a thousand Kansas Sunday school teachers for the state convention here reminds us that Sunday school is an influence for good that gets mighty little credit for the good it accomplishes. We are blessed to have so many fine people here and the town and state are sure to benefit from what happens and how the people leave and perform in their various church duties. : Prof. Snow’s April weather report shows that only two previous Aprils have been warmer and that we are deficient of nearly 3 inches of rain for the year. : When people here consider vacation spots, they should look at the little islands in the river and realize how much enjoyment they can have by using these sites properly. Katzenjammer Island owned by Leo Neimeyer and Max Wilhelm Jr. is an example. It is about two miles down the river.”