Old Home Town – 100 years ago today

From the Lawrence Daily World for March 10, 1906: “The Hamilton statehood bill passed the U.S. Senate yesterday. All references to Arizona and New Mexico were cut out by an amendment made at the last moment, leaving only Oklahoma and Indian Territory consolidated as one state. : The woman who left her husband here a few days ago and flew the city limits in company with her husband’s restaurant cook came home with her boy and the couple apparently had a romantic reunion. The cook was arrested in Manhattan and will be returned here. : Terrible loss of life resulted from a mine explosion near Paris, France, today. It happened after 1,800 miners had descended. All exits were closed by the blast and it is feared all 1,800 are dead. : It appears that the current Kansas Legislature has had one of its finest years and that the state and its cities benefited from the performance.”