Stay-at-home dad nominations
In preparation for this story, the Journal-World put out a call for superstar stay-at-home dads. We were overwhelmed with nominations for the story and could only use a few of the dads in the newspaper. Here are some of the wonderful things people said about other Lawrence dads who stay home with their children:
Jim Russo
Hello. I saw your call for stay-at-home dads. My husband, Jim Russo, has stayed at home with our son (now 2) since I went back to work when our son was 6 months old. I’m constantly amazed at how skilled Jim is at being a full-time dad. I think he does the job better than I would, in fact.
I’m glad you’re doing a story on this subject; it makes me grind my teeth when I hear people ask Jim, “So you JUST stay at home with your son?” I can’t think of a tougher job, whether held by a man or woman. Anyone with a child knows he’s not sitting around eating bon bons all day!
I’ve been encouraging Jim to put out a call to other stay-at-home dads to form a play group. Many of my women friends love MOMS Club, but I’m pretty sure stay-at-home dads aren’t welcome.
– Whitney Baker
Terry Sexton
Related story
I am writing this letter in response to the superstar stay-at-home dad of honor award. When I heard about it, I knew just who this should go to!
His name is Terry Sexton. Terry is the most laid-back man I’ve ever known. He never complains, no matter what life throws him. I don’t know any other man in Lawrence who runs a day care, takes the children to their activities, helps with the house work and dinner and then finds time on the weekends to work a part-time job. He has been doing this non-stop for years. It must be exhausting! The children absolutely adore him, as does everyone else who crosses his path.
Terry is an all-around great person and deserves to be honored for all of his hard work each day for the day care children and his loving dedication to his family! He’s a person who always puts others before himself. His gentle loving nature and tremendous strength to provide for his family make Terry more than worthy of an honor such as this.
– Monica McKinney, a friend
Bob Kristiansen
Our dad is a superstar stay-at-home Dad! His name is Bob Kristiansen, and he has been home with us for about nine years. He’s always willing to do what he can to help out at our schools. He did so much at Langston Hughes Elementary last year, that they decided to make him their Friend of Education.
He’s always willing to take us where we need to go, and he will always listen to what we have to say. I can remember when I was in sixth grade and we had to dissect a pig’s heart, and even though my dad is grossed out by those types of things, he was still willing to do it with me. My Dad also helped me with the Egyptian Festival in sixth grade by helping us mummify a chicken.
Our dad has also been there for us whether we needed help in school or with friends, and he has always helped us with a big smile on his face. Last year he was diagnosed with cancer, and while he was fighting it, all he was worried about was not being able to be with my sister and me. Our dad eventually had to leave us for a month to go to Omaha for a stem cell transplant that would increase his chance of survival. Everyday while he was in Omaha he would call us at least three times just to make sure we were OK because he had never been away from us our whole lives until that month.
Our dad is a fun-loving 50 year old, who last year took us to play lazer tag even though none of us had ever done it before. Overall, our dad is the best stay-at-home superstar.
– Katie and Kelly Kristiansen
Steve Hibberts
I would like to nominate my husband, Steve Hibberts, as a superstar stay-at-home dad.
He has been the caregiver for our 4 1/2-year-old son since he was born, and we just had a new baby boy May 20. He is a very patient, caring father. He takes our son fishing, and they explore the wilderness behind our house in rural Douglas county.
He has taught our son to be very polite and is helping him learn the value of money by working to recycle items. Steve is an avid thrift store and garage sale hunter, so our sons will know how to spot a bargain!
I believe he is much more patient than I am sometimes in dealing with the nature of boys. I am so grateful to have him bringing up our children!
– Laura Hibberts
Among the other fathers nominated were: Steve Craven, Rob Matthews, Jim Jesse, John Allen Ortley, Ian Ballard, Tim Hintsala and Doug Mackey.