G4 to spotlight ‘ICONS’ of pop culture

The biography series “ICONS” (6:30 p.m. today, G4) profiles prolific writer/director/producer J.J. Abrams, the force behind TV hits “Felicity,” “Alias” and “Lost,” as well as the summer blow-’em-up “Mission: Impossible III.” “ICONS” emphasizes up-and-coming personalities shaping popular culture. Future installments of “ICONS” will look at fashion entrepreneur Marc Ecko, actress Michelle Rodriquez, director Kevin Smith, animator Seth MacFarlane and post-modern pinups Suicide Girls.

June is the month most associated with weddings, and the Style network will devote all day today to a “Whose Wedding is it Anyway?” (9 a.m.) marathon. In each episode, a couple choose a group of family and friends, who are given a $5,000 budget, a planner and seven days to plan the perfect ceremony. The bride and groom arrive after leaving every detail in their friends’ hands and having no idea what to expect.

What is it about seasonal beach-resort towns that inspire class warfare? Somehow, the presence of sand, water and a preponderance of teenagers in bathing suits accentuate the social hierarchies. This was true in 1951 in “A Place in the Sun” and in “A Summer Place” (1959), and it still holds true in “Falcon Beach” (7 p.m. Sunday, Family), a new series kicking off with a two-hour movie.

Pretty middle-aged mom Ginny (Allison Hossack) loves Falcon Beach. It reminds her of the days when she was young and free and not married to a workaholic stiff and the mother of snobby kids Lane (Morgan Kelly) and Paige (Jennifer Kydd). Paige is a real pill. As Ginny waxes nostalgic about the allure of Falcon Beach, Paige rolls her eyes (uttering universal teen sign language for “whatever!”) and disappears into her iPod. And Paige isn’t dreadful just to her mother. She calls the police on the local teens at least twice in the pilot’s first half hour. She spends the rest of her time browbeating local merchants.

Today’s highlights

The voices of Tim Allen and Tom Hanks animate the 1995 computer-graphics comedy “Toy Story” (7 p.m., ABC).

Key evidence in a family legal battle becomes a motive for murder on “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” (9 p.m., NBC).

Sunday’s highlights

Robert Downey Jr. appears on “Inside the Actors Studio” (8 p.m., Bravo).

Tony gives Carmela’s career a boost on the finale of the truncated season of “The Sopranos” (8 p.m., HBO).