Old home town – 25 years ago today

Slashes in a federally funded job training program had sent about 40 people in Lawrence looking for work in the private sector. The cuts had come in the U.S. Comprehensive Employment and Training Act program.

With some grumbling about how they were forced to go about it, Lawrence school board members took only 10 minutes to decide on Leonard Clark to fill a vacancy on the board created after Bob Davis resigned due to a move to Liberty, Mo. Clark was due to take his seat Aug. 10 for two years. He was the 38-year-old chief of a federal branch office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Kansas City. Several board members said they agreed with the selection but were not happy with the procedure, which they said involved too much pressure to make a speedy choice.

Local officials were having difficulty finding people willing to serve on the local draft board even though Selective Service as it had once existed had been abolished in favor of all-volunteer armed forces. However, signups for men upon turning age 18 were now required to keep tabs on available manpower in care of a national emergency. There had been constant controversy about that latest policy.