Government dissolved after 2 days of protests

? Mongolia’s parliament dissolved its government after the biggest political party pulled out of the 15-month-old ruling coalition, prompting two days of protests amid complaints about poverty and corruption.

No party immediately announced that it would try to form a new government following the vote late Friday to dissolve the government of Prime Minister Tsakhilganiin Elbegdorj. Elbegdorj was appointed to lead an interim administration.

But the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party, which announced Wednesday it was pulling out of the coalition, said earlier it would try to form its own government. The MPRP led Mongolia under communism until 1990, when it ended one-party rule after street protests.

The party complained that Elbegdorj, a former pro-democracy activist, failed to do enough to fight corruption and worsening poverty in this former Soviet satellite.

The MPRP’s decision to leave the coalition prompted a protest by its opponents, who temporarily occupied the party headquarters on Thursday, accusing its leaders of trying to seize power.

MPRP members staged a counterdemonstration Friday in support of the party, demanding that Elbegdorj resign.

Elbegdorj didn’t say whether he would try to form a new government.