Democrats to delay first vote on Alito

? Democrats confirmed Friday that they will make a last-ditch attempt to slow Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito’s momentum by delaying the first vote on his candidacy.

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said in the waning minutes of Alito’s confirmation hearing that unnamed Democrats will “exercise their rights” to put off next week’s scheduled Alito vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

That vote would have been Republicans’ first chance to officially endorse President Bush’s pick to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. All 10 GOP Judiciary Committee members have already announced their support for Alito, a 55-year-old federal appeals judge, former federal prosecutor and Reagan administration lawyer.

The White House on Friday heaped praise on Alito, with spokesman Scott McClellan saying the proceedings showed Americans a man who’s “brilliant, honorable and decent, open-minded and fair.”

But Democrats say they won’t be ready Tuesday to vote on his nomination because Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, of Nevada, has called on party members to hold off making a decision until after a Wednesday meeting.

“A number of our members are going to be home for Martin Luther King events this weekend, will not be back on time on Tuesday and so they will exercise their rights” to delay the vote, Leahy said.

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, a Judiciary Committee member, said “a delay for delay’s sake would be a petty, partisan move.”

Most – if not all – of the Senate’s 55 Republicans are expected to line up behind Alito.