Don’t cash out 401(k) early

Are you looking for a new position in the new year? If so, what are your plans for the money you’ve accumulated in your 401(k), 403b, or similar employer retirement plan?

If you’ve already decided you won’t touch it, you’re in smart company.

A recent study found that an increasing percentage of workers participating in employment-based retirement plans are rolling over all of their lump-sum distributions into another retirement savings account when they leave a job. Fewer people are spending the money, according to a study by the nonpartisan Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).

EBRI found that 43.4 percent of lump-sum recipients who received their most recent distribution through 2003 placed all of that money in a tax-qualified savings plan such as an individual retirement account or another employment-based plan. This was up from 19.3 percent through 1993.

Can I get an amen? I know I’ve tried my best to discourage people from pulling money out of their retirement fund.

It’s tempting to spend the money you’ve amassed. But it’s a mistake, especially if you are early in your career.

So let’s go over your options if you change jobs. You can cash out. If you have more than $5,000 in your retirement account, you can leave the money where it is. You could roll the money over into the retirement plan offered by your new employer (if that is allowed). Or you may decide to put the money into a tax deferred Individual Retirement Account.

As far as the first option, unless your financial situation is dire, don’t cash out. You will take a tax hit for withdrawing the money before you turn 59 1/2, plus you will pay a penalty.

As for your second option, keeping the money in your old employer’s plan is the hassle-free choice. If you’re happy with your investment choices in your old plan, then stay put.

Your third option: Roll over the money into another qualified retirement plan offered by your new employer.

Finally, you can shift your retirement money into an IRA. If you choose this option, you’ll have complete control over how the money is invested.

OK, so you’re clear on one thing, right? Don’t cash out.

After that your choices are numerous. Whatever you decide, preserve your retirement money when you change jobs.