Women gain on men in Internet usage

Traditionally, women have lagged behind men in adoption of Internet technologies, but a study released last week by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that women under age 65 now outpace men in Internet usage, though only by a few percentage points.

The report found that 86 percent of women ages 18 to 29 were online, compared with 80 percent of men in the same age group. Among blacks, 60 percent of women are online, compared with 50 percent of men.

In other age groups, the disparity is only slight, with women outpacing men by 3 percentage points. However, among the older group, those age 65 and older, 34 percent of men are online, compared with 21 percent of women.

It’s enough of a disparity to keep men in the overall lead in Internet usage, 68 percent to 66 percent.