Old home town – 100 years ago today

From the Lawrence Daily World for Feb. 16, 1906: “There seems to be more than a bare possibility that this country will soon have to go to war with China to bring that empire to its senses. The trouble started with the foolish rigidness shown by petty officers of our government in enforcing the exclusion law for those wanting to enter our country. China officials are said to be much offended and there could be big trouble. : During revival services recently at the Baptist church a swindler tried to work the church and its people with a hard luck story about his wife deserting him. He fooled some who gave him money but he was caught and is now in jail. Most of the money he got was returned due to early capture. : Reports of a feud between Gov. Hoch and our W.R. Stubbs are being denied and the two say they are getting along well. The two powerful men are treating it all as a joke. : Harry Pickens of North Lawrence was in court this morning on a charge of disturbing the peace but the judge decided not much peace was disturbed and let him go without penalty.”