Old Home Town

Despite the recent bitter cold, work on the Broken Arrow Park shelterhouse, a $17,250 project, appeared to be moving along quite well.

The Lawrence Board of Education planned an appeal that would allow the district to exceed the 104 percent budget limitation of the Foundation Finance Law for the coming fiscal year.

“God is Dead” was to be the topic for a religious seminar here, and immediately there were complaints from around the state about fears of atheist influence in such matters.

Kansas State University expected a record spring enrollment of around 10,000. The fall total, also a record, had been 10,681.

Student records and the issue of privacy were discussed by the local PTA Curriculum Committee. Some contended that personal records on students were far too easily accessible for non-personal use. Some even questioned whether releasing names on honor rolls violated the rights of the honorees as well as those who had not done well enough to be included.