Criminal war

To the editor:

In addition to Bush and company’s incompetence in declaring war on an innocent country (no WMDs in Iraq, no 9-11 hijackers linked to Iraq, remember?), we now know from a report Aug. 11 on ABC News’ “Good Morning America” that in February 2005, a government accountability office report determined that the Transportation Security Administration had “delayed the development of a device to detect weapons, liquid explosives – in containers found in carry-on baggage or passenger’s effects.”

A different report, issued jointly by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, noted in its title the “Possible Terrorist Use of Liquid Explosive Materials in Future Attacks.”

How many other warnings has the Bush team disregarded? People should remember that the 9-11 attacks came on Bush’s watch and this administration has piled one incompetent act upon another, with the Republican Congress supporting him all the way, seemingly oblivious to the horrible human toll and the corruption that is commonplace in this tragic and criminal war.

David Hann,
